
動画メディアが普及し、海外の手仕事の動画がとても身近になったと思います。 そのなかで目にした家畜を飼ってその毛で緻密な絨毯を織っている様にとても感銘をうけました。

1点目は伝統的な椅子張りに使う麻の織物に、アルパカ混紡の毛糸をペルシャ絨毯に似た結びかたで結びつけてモコモコを表現しました。 本当に果てしない工程で、絨毯は財産である、ということの意味の一部を体感できた気がします。


I think that with the spread of video media, videos of foreign handicrafts have become very familiar. I was very impressed by the sight of the livestock that I saw being raised and their wool used to weave intricate carpets.

The first item is made by tying alpaca blend wool to the hemp fabric used in traditional upholstery techniques in a knot similar to a Persian rug to create a fluffy look. It's a truly endless process, and I feel like I was able to experience part of the meaning behind the fact that carpets are treasures.

However, after doing some research, I learned that rugs that tie wool together are from the Arab world, and in South America, where alpacas are native, they are often plain-woven.For the second item, I decided to use woven alpaca wool from Peru.

木材(カエデ、サクラ、クルミ 他)、ヘッシャンにアルパカウール毛糸/アルパカウール織物、ウレタンフォーム、綿、鋲、家具用オイル塗料
h700 w600 d300 mm



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