
金華山織物のメーカー、大矢光治織物さま のリクエストで制作しました。

It was produced at the request of Mitsuharu Oya Orimono, a manufacturer of pile fabric.
Because of its strong color and pattern, I wanted it to be a large carnivore, and after considering various options, I decided that a cheetah would look good on it.

I wanted to change the skeleton from the usual herbivorous (and omnivorous) animals, so I changed the direction of the inclination of the legs, and in order to give it the suppleness of a carnivorous animal, I adopted a fabric spring for the base of the seat.

木材(カエデ、サクラ、クルミ 他)、ヘッシャンにアルパカウール毛糸/アルパカウール織物、ウレタンフォーム、綿、鋲、家具用オイル塗料
h700 w600 d300 mm



no.3 / 2024

no.2 / 2024

no.1 / 2024